Is it possible for the Lord to be surprised by what happens to His people? Is He ever caught off guard? No, God is fully aware of our condition and circumstances and He has already been preparing for our present experience. Therefore, our response to His preparedness is an assured and peaceful expectation that governs our way of life – church life! The church at Antioch plays a predominant role in the life of the Apostle Paul. It is this church community that embraces the new believer and sends him off to his missionary travels. But, the Antioch church begins in a surprising way. At the stoning of Stephen, circa 40 AD, scripture tells us that his clothes were laid at Saul’s feet. (Acts 7:58) This initial persecution sparked the Diaspora, or the Christian dispersion, throughout the Roman world, including Antioch. So, while Saul of Tarsus (soon-to -be Paul) was out persecuting Christians, God was preparing a church that would welcome him and prepare him for ministry.
In recent weeks, we have all heard where we are as a church and what the last ten years tells us. Yet, if we are the people of God, the Lord has been preparing you for this day. Esther arose “for such a time as this.” David had been prepared to meet Goliath. God had prepared Mary and Joseph to care for the boy, Jesus. Antioch was primed to receive Saul of Tarsus. And you have been groomed by God to meet this day! So, whether it be as a Sunday School teacher, a musician, a volunteer, a committee member, a tither, a prayer warrior, or a witness, arise, for the Lord has prepared you for today! Amen.
“See You In Church”
September 1, 2016