Your Giving Matters!

“Give liberally and be ungrudging when you do so, for on this account the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake”. . . Deuteronomy 15: 10 (NRSV)


When we join the First United Methodist Church family, we promise to uphold our church by our prayers, presence, service, witness and gifts because it is only through our promise that the ministries of the church can continue. Your gifts support ministries that change lives, provide comfort, guidance and inspiration to our congregation and our community. We know that your offerings are gifts given by God’s people, and are ever mindful that they are your gifts to God to be used for His work. It is our responsibility to be faithful stewards of the resources and ministries set before us and to work to extend them beyond the walls of our church and out into the world.

Where does your money go?

All contributions are used to fulfill our mission of leading people on a life-changing journey to follow Jesus Christ.  Your contribution helps pay our operations and maintenance costs such as staff salaries, insurance, and building costs. That also includes investing in outreach efforts both in our community and globally.  Your contribution helps us counsel hurting people, help folks win freedom from addictions, offer children’s ministry programming in our community, plant new churches throughout the world and much more.  Most important, we are sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with every ministry.  That, of course, is where people find hope for the future and the opportunity to experience real life change.

How should I begin giving?

The bible refers to using 10% of our income as a basis for knowing how much to give.  The key is to give regularly and generously.  Why? Jesus said this, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21 (NRSV)).  If we become generous with our money, God promises our heart will follow.  Additionally, 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NRSV) tells us “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind; not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”.  In other words, giving is part of God’s design for Christ-followers.

How do I give to First United Methodist of Elgin?

Whether it’s in the Sunday morning offering plate or through an online contribution, you can choose from multiple giving options.

  • On Sundays you may place a check or cash in the offering plate when it is passed during worship services. If you desire to have cash contributions recorded, use the offering envelopes found on the back of pews.  Write your name and the enclosed amount on the outside of the offering envelope and place it in the plate.
  • Mail or drop off your check at the church office: Some members find it most convenient to write a check to the church monthly, as they write checks for other monthly bills.
  • Online:  For convenience, consider online giving.

Quarterly and year-end contribution statements will be sent to you by mail as a record of your giving.