

We have many opportunities to serve at First United Methodist Church.  We believe that every follower of Christ is needed, called and spiritually-gifted to serve in ministry.  There are many opportunities for service right here in FUMC and throughout the Elgin area that do not require specific skills or large investments of time and even some you can do right from the comfort of your home.  For those unable to give their time, there are also opportunities to serve by donating items to programs in need.  We can guide you in finding your place in the body of Christ.  

Paul sees the church as a body, meaning every person has a function.  Paul says in Romans 12:4(NIV) that “just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not have the same function.”

We are asking you to prayerfully consider how you can serve and take the time, today, to find out how you can become a partner in ministry.

Luke 10:2 (NIV) reads “He said to them “The harvest is plentiful, but the labors are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labors into his harvest field.”

With your participation, First United Methodist Church of Elgin and the kingdom of God will achieve their fullest potential.