Youth at First United Methodist Church
We consider “youth” to be people in sixth through twelfth grade. Our youth are a vital part of our congregation and they are invited to participate at all levels. We love to have our youth serve as acolytes (lighting candles), assisting with the offering, reading scripture, serving as ushers, teaching younger children and more. FUMC is committed to building positive relationships that challenge the youth of Elgin, Texas, to investigate Christianity, grow in the knowledge, mature in the faith and fulfill God’s purpose for their life.
Baptism and Confirmation
First United Methodist Church of Elgin, provides a confirmation/baptism experience for children who have reached the age at which they are ready to do in-depth study about what it means to follow the way of Christ and be a part of a Christian community. For more information about this, please contact the church office at (512) 285-4503.
Want to Volunteer to Work with our Children
All volunteers who work with children and youth are required to complete a Safe Sanctuary training class. This class includes a review of the Youth Protection Policy and a criminal background check. Volunteers are required to renew their application every two (2) years. If you’d like to work with our children, please contact the church office at (512) 285-4503.
Youth Group Activities For June 2018
Click Here

During Sunday School, we invite youth to join our adult classes, assist with Children’s Time for the younger children, or worship God in their own classes.
Sunday School Information
Sundays, 10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.
Middle School Students – Room 203
High School Students – Room 203
The New Youth Group: Meets every Sunday 5:00 to 6:30 pm for dinner, games, bible talk, life lessons, and new friends! The newly redesigned youth group includes all 6th -12th graders.
For more information contact Brenda Brittian at [email protected] or call 512-285-4503.
Location was in the Sidell, Louisiana Area
Location was in the Sidell, Louisiana Area

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