Travel with others on your journey of faith by getting connected with a group.
Members of First United Methodist Church Elgin and continuing guest are encouraged to find groups with which to grow as Christians through study, service to others and supportive fellowship.
Members of First United Methodist Church Elgin and continuing guest are encouraged to find groups with which to grow as Christians through study, service to others and supportive fellowship.
Eva Jacobsen Circle
The Eva Jacobsen Circle, provides opportunities for women to connect with other women,
study God’s Word, and
encourage each other in love as they “do in life” together while growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. If you are considering a Bible Study class, you are considering one of the most life-changing things you could do. You’ll meet women who will encourage you, learn more about the God you are seeking, and you’ll become a different woman than the woman you see in the mirror today.

The Eva Jacobsen Circle, meets the first Monday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. A pot luck lunch is served, so bring your favorite dish. If you have questions or an interest in becoming a member of this Bible Study group, email Betty Robertson, at [email protected].
Men’s Bible Study
The men at First United Methodist Elgin are committed to helping every man grow in
Christ and make an eternal
difference. We desire to see men transformed by the gospel, and to be used by God to help transform the lives of other men for God’s glory. This is the core of who we are and what we are about.Our class allows you to journey in faith with others who are seeking out Biblical truth and how it applies to everyday life. Our class is open to all church members, non-members, non-Methodist and non-Christian men, no matter your previous experience in studying the Bible. You can join at any time.The Men’s Bible Study group, meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the office administration conference room. On the second Tuesday of every month we have dinner together.