Pastor Sam Blanco4Over the course of Christian history there have been countless times of revival and refreshing such as the Montanist, Waldensian, Wesleyan, American Awakenings, Welsh and early twentieth century Pentecostalism, to name a few. Today, we could certainly add the great expansion of the Gospel in Africa, Indonesia, Latin America and Asia. What is the common denominator? Very simply a return to the fundamental elements of our Christian faith as presented in the Gospels and in the Book of Acts thereafter. In Luke 24:49, Jesus clearly instructs His disciples to sit tight in Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit to come and fill them with power. Over a meal (Luke 24), He blesses them with an ample understanding of the Messiah in the Old Testament and with the Gospel of repentance. He acknowledges that they have been witnesses to His ministry, yet instructs them to wait for the Promise of the Father. The Book of Acts is a testament to their obedience and to the great ministry the early Church had as a result. One writer has said that the great miracle of that first Pentecostal Day was the transformation wrought in the hearts of those disciples who simply waited to be transformed by the Spirit of fire. Today, we tend to seek renewal as part of a human process. But, why not follow the Lord Jesus’ command to wait on Him to fill us with fire, power and wisdom?

“See you in church” 

June 29, 2016

In Search of Revival